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Drupal -? Why Use Drupal for CMS (Content Management System)


Take advantage of using website builders like Joomla, WordPress and Drupal gave so much comfort both for web developers, site owners and even enhance the experience for visitors. They can have great benefits, such as shorter development time, flexibility and a variety of templates, lower production costs and more.

Joomla, WordPress and Drupal are among the most reliable and most used website builders. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, we will discuss why, despite this, the youngest among the three could have chosen Drupal CMS perspective.

In technology, the latest or the youngest is always better. But in this debate, we will not say that this is always true. It depends always on hand with builders. If you are a blogger, you might choose WordPress, as it is originally constructed to make blogs, increase the blog show, beautiful templates, loose structure, equipment and additions already developed. If you are a web designer or web developer, you may choose Joomla’s admin interface is very user friendly, has thousands of beautiful available templates and plug-ins for more advanced websites. If you are a web developer, has great pride in making various sites ecommerce and want more control over the support of the website, you can choose Drupal.

But whether you’re a blogger, web designer, a developer or programmer, you can choose one of the three because they are created to build websites and constantly being developed for the convenience of the user. Also, as discussed, the choice is always in the hands of the user.

This appears to why we can choose Drupal for CMS, not against or the WordPress and Joomla, but as Drupal, features, functionality and future of the World Wide Web.

What is Drupal?

Drupal is a free open source web-based display and control content and functionality to a wide variety of web content.

What to Know About Drupal?

1. Security

Drupal has different signs and security measures to ensure submission form, module implementations and content display. Mostly it has configurable access permission features to different users for modular, content and functionality.

2. Help and support

Other than excellent their documents, Drupal has an active support community to discuss and help users with coding, application modules and thematic issues.

3. Commercial

There are several advertising and books for sale on learning Drupal. Several companies are also open hands to promote and enhance the Drupal project more.

4. Backend or Admin Environment

Unlike Joomla or WordPress, Drupal support is also user-friendly, but it has a simpler interface. The good thing in the admin page, it displays all the functionality that you can for the site, which are organized in each category and has the necessary manuals and descriptions for users.

5. Visibility on the Web

One of the best features of Drupal is the ability of SEO. There are so many modules available for SEO activities and track statistics. It can automatically generate meta tags for the website URL or create nodes based on the title, but the user always has the option to change the meta tags, as well as other advanced SEO helps such settings nofollow, Canonical URL and more.

6. Ecommerce Readiness

If you are a web developer, you might really love Drupal as it can give you more control over your numbers without compromising the security of your website. You can code your own scripts or modify the modules.

7. Social Network Readiness

Drupal has the potential for user management and several units of social networks such as forums, comments, social media plug-ins and network user.

8. Format Flexibility

You can play with a variety of templates in a few clicks away, change the header, body or side bars. The good thing is, you can also play directly support code templates.

Drupal for CMS and future

With the above features we will see that everyone can use and upgrade Drupal website. With different levels of user access and authorization, anyone can make changes to your site without compromising security. With templates flexibility, anyone can remedy the page, change every part and colors without detailed programming knowledge, for developers, play the numbers are addressed also a great option. With ecommerce will include common units also available in several versions and need requirements; you can create a shopping site today.

We can observe that ecommerce sites and websites with the CMS are the trend nowadays. Days could be CMS may need most companies in the development of the site. First, because they want to upgrade to change your own. Second, because they want their developers to add additional ecommerce functionality that maybe available when units or can be implemented from raw.

On the other hand, Drupal is constantly being developed and in a short span of time has been open to a large community of developers and companies. This means that they know the latest needs of the current internet era and more to be excited about the future.


What is the benefit of using Open Source Development CMS Platform?


It has already been noted that the CMS provides a user experience for content creators, editors and publishers. Efficient CMS solutions provide customers with the perfect platform to develop and disseminate ideas and information

Features of CMS

CMS features the following features :.

– The separation of content and presentation

– Text / content editors

– Content maintenance organization, publishing etc

– Image / icon management

– interactive features

– Client management

Why use CMS

Take a sneak preview of the needs of using CMS

With CMS? you have a handle on each page that you’ve changed and can move quickly from one page to another. This saves time and effort. With CMS content search, maintenance and updates become easier and innate. This also saves time to a great extent. Helps to maintain a strong material environment

Let us discuss some few benefits of using Open Source Development CMS platform :.

Easy deployment With Open Source development CMS platform content management is made easier for various clients. The distribution of this facility makes it easy for content editors who have little or no technical knowledge to organize, format and publish content in an easier mode

User :. Open development content management system provides easy to use tools. These tools facilitate the load of material leading to faster turnaround time for various material changes

Budget friendly :. There are various commercial content management systems. Among the open source development is more cost effective

Reuse or recycle facility :. All content is stored in a central database that makes it easier to store materials as well. The same material can be recycled or reused when needed in the future.

Overall, can be summed up as Content management solutions built with open source development provide customers with an easy method to maintain, organize or publish content that appears on their website.


How to Create a CMS website from scratch


All small and medium business owners go through perpetual hardship ever increasing expenditure makes added cost of creating and maintaining a website quite problematic proposal.

good news is that you do not have to spend a fortune to create a website if you follow these simple guidelines.

The first step in creating a website is to register a domain name and get web hosting space.

Before choosing your web hosting company, please keep the following in mind.

not choose a web hosting company that is little known but offers incredible deals, at a ridiculously low price. More often than not, they can not survive the competition, and the final, so you totally frustrated. You go hunting again for another hosting company, and losses due to website downtime, more so if yours is E commerce site.

Another trick that you should be aware of the unlimited bandwidth, unlimited disk space, unlimited hosting all come for excellent high. While the initial orders given with good intentions, as competition heats up hosting company can not keep up with the bandwidth they promised or space. Therefore, over time your website gets slower then the same bandwidth currently gets shared by several users. Instead of looking for good deals from ordinary business (there are tons out there like GoDaddy, Media Temple, 1and1 etc).

Many times, you get a genuine lucrative offers like free domain or low 1 year subscription. Added advantage of such a deal is that you get to look at the viability and profitability of your website before continuing next year.

Next comes choosing the type of website.The best model would be a CMS (Content Management System) based website. Unlike other IT concepts, the term CMS is quite intuitive. In short, it means a website where you (the website owner) has full control over its content. You can add, edit, delete, update content, or pages, and even change the website design without the intervention of a website designer.

There are many popular open source CMS available free as Joomla, Contrexx, Drupal, WordPress, and even E commerce CMS like Zencart, Magento, Presta Shop, etc. Most of these operate on PHP and MySQL, which also also open source.

The advantages of using CMS is substantial. A CMS makes website converts an easy process that allows sites to be updated regularly and kept looking fresh. Fresh material increase traffic and help popularize your business. Moreover, most of these CMS has built / free plugins, like Calendar, events, newsletters, document management, Blog, Shopping cart etc. which increases the value of your website many folds. You can even add Meta tags and data to your website for SEO, make your site search engine friendly.

If you want to have a quick reference design your site, you can replace the old template with the new one through the Admin Control Panel, and customize it to give a unique look to your website. In fact, site redesign can take ten minutes for basic work, which is simply a template time. Some tweaking may be necessary, but in general, this system is much faster and cheaper than with HTML.

There are several sites that offer beautiful completely free warehouse templates for popular CMS.

Once you decide on the CMS, please check what other settings are required to run CMS as PHP, MySQL, Apache, and OS like Linux. Make sure when you hire a web hosting space, the package offers the correct version of PHP and MySQL and Web server (Apache / IIS) required for your CMS.

Remember though that you can set up a website on A Shoe String Budget, the commercial success of your site depends on the material and how to manage them to attract visitors that convert into customers. In the end, the commercial results of what matters.


CMS 1500 Form Billing Tip Complete Boxes 12 and 13


Boxes 12 & 13 of the CMS 1500 form are very important and often overlooked. When I say overlooked, I mean most people do not understand the importance of a box, and just blindly fill them in. It is important to understand what they mean, and make sure they are complete because they can seriously affect demand payment if not done right

Box 12 is information box .. Many believe that if you are not to give out any information that you can just leave this blank. Others think you just stand “signature on file” where you’re good. Well, are not correct. Many carriers will not release payment if this box is not complete. But just stick “signature on file” it is not right either. You really need to know the patient’s signature is on file with the provider you are billing for. The patient should have signed Disclosure statement when they first came. It is usually part of the initial paperwork they complete. If you are a billing service, you should ask the providers when you are set up to make the collection if they have these statements recorded in all patients so that you can indicate the signature files on all claims. In any case, this is an important box that you need to pay attention to.

Box 13 is a license payment to the medical provider services. If this box is completed then the patient indicated that they will all payments for services charged to be sent directly to the provider. This does not guarantee that the insurance carrier will send payment to the provider, but it indicates that the patient gives them permission. For example, if there is not a system of insurance carrier may send payments directly to the patient, even if this box is completed. And if there is in the system, but this box is not completed it is possible that the payment could go to the patient. So again, if you have the patient payment to be made to the provider, you should make sure that this box is completed.


Top Open Source and Free Content Management Systems


Programs and applications written as open source means that the source code is available and could be changed or modified. Because of this feature, a lot of developers could contribute to the improvement of the program or application. Some are free, some are not.

free software term suggests, is free of cost. But it would be better if they would be free and open source right?

Why choose Free / Open Source CMS?

Assuming least we get to form a regular Content Management System is a very powerful weapon to create a website in a short span of time, what more can we ask if it free?

free and open source CMS provides the company with ease web page creation and big savings for investment assets such as websites. It is to have a web presence that every business despite a minimal cost.

Top Open Source and Free CMS

1. Typo 3 – offers incredible potential for content management – the internal search engine change this page and much more, and is known for its efficiency. It is supported by various operating systems and PHP. On the other hand, one constraint that is to be placed is challenging study of setting up all the necessary tools. It is very simple to use.

2. Frog CMS – offers features that include on-page editing, API and template code. Widely known for its simplicity, straightforwardness and speed. Supported by PHP and RDMS.

3. Joomla! – Bring together with Joomla hosting package and works together with Model view controller (MVC) Web application framework. Offers refined and simplified menus and improved site and media management. It also provides extra modules and components that would improve assessment of your website and be able to enrich visitors’ experience.

4. Drupal – it can support Form personal blogs to huge companies, political positions and even large online communities. It provides sophisticated / classy programming interface for developers and designers, not the necessary programming skills required for basic website installation and management. It is uncomplicated to make a customized system also expandable meaning; it was designed to allow it to add features through the deployment of plug-in modules.

5. WordPress – dealers PHP and MySQL. Includes a feature that offers the user complete control of the blog. Widely known for speed and simplicity. You can also add a static page. It may take more or less in 5 minutes for installation and provides an easy upgrade.

Neither that nor how popular CMS was based satisfaction and pleasure. There will always be based on how the system will perform the role of what you want it to be in accordance with the requirements and demands.


Types of CMS


Internet is a wonderful innovation. Coming her brought so many conveniences to the public today, it is difficult to understand how older generations could prosper without these electronic gadgets. Take for example the office scene 30 years ago. To all of the work force to get hold of information, office messenger is his rounds and issuing memos boss. A few years later “by the” phenomenon began and office memos were hastily scribbled on this small piece of paper and stick to a cubicle worker.

Today, the Internet and mobile phones for instant communication not only in the office set up the global profile. CMS or content management system comes in handy at this point. The system is a collection of techniques that are used to direct the work flow of the organization set up. The system can also be done manually, but the computer-based approach will work best.

Why opt for CMS? For one thing, this system will allow members of an organization or company employees (domestic and foreign) to share and contribute data that has been stored. It goes without saying that access to data can be tweaked accordingly – which means users are limited to the amount of information they could access based on their roles. This system will also make it fairly easy to store and retrieve data even to the point of spending a copy. A CMS will also make it easy for users to communicate quickly and being written report is a reality that data is right at your fingertips.

There are six main types of CMS and each type could be further enhanced or tweaked according to the company’s needs and requirements. It is enterprise content management that addresses technical organization and methods to capture, store, manage, maintain and deliver the related documents to the organization. A DMS or document management system is used to store and manage electronic documents. A mobile content system deals obviously with mobile data technology. A media content management system would have to deal with to store and share files while Learning Content Management System focuses on tracking, documentation and reporting any online training programs.

most used web content management system. The system is used to simplify the publication of material on the sites and even mobile phones. It is a scene of some kind where users can create content and place it on the web site without precondition know technology issues relating to HTML.

A customer can really ask any web designer or developer for CMS uniqueness. If your company has branches around the world, you can specify for meeting space CMS to set up meetings and conferences online. The system will be cost effective and as there was no need for all participants to be in one place at one time. If you are in the country, you can specify for rental space CMS to facilitate online payments for rent and even monthly fees.


Website CMS


Website CMS is constantly evolving phenomenon. Content management systems have been targets of criticism terms of search engine friendliness for their compromise between ease of use and coding standards. The problem is hat professional web design needs W3C compliancy and different CMS applications have been designed by different groups and individuals. This means that there is one standard, but many different types of software. This is the same problem that has plagued PC hardware and software development. You can buy different types of hardware and software from different manufacturers and software houses so we would be naive to expect them to work together in harmony.

So what is the problem with the Website CMS and SEO? The issue here is that your design company has been all too often websites for its customers along with the CMS application and then hands him another. SEO is an afterthought and the primary goal of CMS is a content update. This is a compromise. The customer has not paid for SEO such content management system does not cater to it. If a client needs SEO later, CMS is not scalable. This is a big mistake on the part of the company’s website.

The solution is to find a website CMS is W3C standards compliant. Content management systems have improved, and with the popularity of Blogging Software lots of built-in SEO automation is now available. But this only solve part of the problem. No amount of automation can replace a professional search engine optimization campaign with an experienced SEO expert because there is just so much to consider.


What is a Content Management System (CMS) and Why Use One?


We have been asked several times why we insist on using the full Content Management System (CMS) for even the smallest of websites. So here is our explanation.

What is a Content Management System (CMS)?

In short, it is a database-driven software that sits behind a website that allows site manager to quickly and easily update website and reconstruction (stuff).

A content management system allows you to more easily manage your website and web content. With CMS, the site can be easily added. You simply copy (or type) in the text of the page you are adding, say CMS where you want the site to site menu structure and click the Send button. The software automatically adds page according to the settings you’ve specified, the global design of the site.

Why use a content management system (CMS)?

It is rare to find a company today that does not have a robust and scalable web presence, especially given the rise of multimedia digital content such as blogs, forums, podcasting, news, music and video. The only way to properly manage all of this is to use modern CMS.

With the traditional method, you (or perhaps your web designer) would create a page, create menu links (including any links to the site of the rest of the site) and then submit it to the website.

By doing all the technical work for you, a CMS reduces (and often eliminates) the need for a web programmer to manage website content.

Long-term, this reduces the costs associated with site management and makes the process much faster, where the content goes live when submitted by the site administrator.

What kind of CMS should you use?

There are many different options available today CMS is. The majority of CMS software used on the internet at the moment is what is known as “Open Source.”

An Open Source (OS) software is one that has been developed by a community of programmers around the world, using widely available technology and is released as a free, fully licensed download. All the changes and improvements that you make to the code behind the software are usually released back into the OS community.

benefits using OS software is that it is free and it is great and ready availability of support available through the OS community. The code behind the software is available to the developer and therefore very flexible. Also, because of the size and availability of the OS community, it is always possible to find someone to help, even if the website development gives goes bust.

Many website development companies write their own CMS place in accordance with the requirements of customers. The danger with this approach is that if the website the company goes bust, the code behind the CMS may be hidden and it can be difficult and expensive to find support. Not only that, but many web development companies license their CMS and if you tend to use them as a supplier they may take down the site and / or withdraw all support.

It is also possible to buy commercial CMS on the shelf. Again, this means that the code will likely be hidden and most of the time the software is only granted on the basis of certificates. Even worse is that many software vendors insist that you pay an annual subscription license or charge you for updates.

So the best CMS option?

Those who know me will probably know that I’m a big fan of open source software. I just do not like having to pay if I do not. And this saving is passed onto my clients if they ask me to build a website for them.

So these days we use CMS called WordPress. This is an open source CMS packages available

However, it is not the only open source CMS available. Drupal and Joomla are also very popular.

But as with WordPress because it is very quick to work with and very flexible as well as being well supported by the huge WordPress community. It provides all the functionality most customers do like to give us the opportunity to add the following as requirements change.

Having said that, we have built several websites with Drupal and it’s great if you want to debate or many blogs on the website.


MOBILE Content Management System (CMS)



A flexible CMS’s response today to anyone who asks what they should look for when creating mobile content. Due to the high speed development of mobile technology and changes in user location-based browsing, it is difficult to predict what the mobile future holds, and any mobile CMS will best fit your needs.

The Three prototypes Mobile afford to discuss

  1. One-page approach – One website for all guests, provided otherwise for mobile
  2. Two site approach – One website for a desktop and one specifically for mobile
  3. Mobile app – Internet application, to the mobile phone which performs certain tasks

Furthermore, some companies need mobile CMS to address only a small set of devices (eg smart phones), while others need to make the contents of any any mobile out there.

The Mobile apps way

One of the pre-requisites of mobile apps approach is a major development that has to be the basic distribution and maintenance updates. And outside the distribution infrastructure, organizations need to create customized versions of the mobile app for each mobile platform it will run (Android, Mac O / S, RIM, Windows Mobile, Symbian, etc.), which in turn also requires individual updates users to set up and cheer. For commercial apps not a major barrier to take, for information and apps for business with limited amount of resources to distribute, not the obvious choice.

Native used to have quite a few advantages, but with the advent of HTML5, CSS3 and all modern browsers, even the latest versions of Internet Explorer, which supports JavaScript code, the advantages are gradually decreasing and not so foreseeable future will be you can copy all unique mobile apps feature within the usual cloud-based mobile CMS systems.

What is, of course, is the marketing angle a mobile apps can have on Apple, Android and Windows Mobile apps stores. These apps stores have a wide spread visibility among viewers and potential customers and and mobile apps have through the app stores natural window to the mobile market. However, household names fully benefit from the apps store and marketing potential, it is less applicable to SMEs where the brand is not necessarily the key differentiator, but the products and services these companies offer. For those companies visibility on the Internet can only increase with keywords, reflects the nature of goods and services, and keywords that are ranking at the bear minimum in the top 20 of the major search engines.

The One-page approach

This is the most effective method for all companies and institutions where the content between the main web presence site and mobile site is like and can remain the same.

manage and update content, both the main and mobile is made of the same and single administration interface and all updates are immediately viewable on a regular PC and all mobile devices.

Both main and mobile phones are reachable via the same URL and the device used in the viewer will be directed to the main website or mobile website.

Mobile viewers will always have the option to revert to the main website on their mobile devices if they have a need to access units which are not yet optimized for mobile viewing.

With time, and with the development of HTML5 and browser technology, will be able to nearly match all the units available on the main site for mobile viewing, including complex modules like video player and e-commerce modules.

The essence of this approach is uniquely designed Templates for both the main site and mobile web sites. A mobile CMS system should be able to customize elements that you want to display a mobile site, and also rank them by a simple drag-and-drop.

The Two-page approach

For companies who want to have targeted content for their main web site audience and mobile audience that is significantly different from each other, the two-site approach is the way to go. Two different custom built and designed templates will be another key differentiator of two site approach.

The mobile site can query form, lead form and all kinds of interactive modules with viewers and customers, the main site could be arranged so as to transact with customers through e-mail marketing, newsletters and e-commerce modules.

While in fact two different websites, some of the units can be integrated and be connected as a single. The most important already being user registration, login and password and user database that can be shared among two locations. In a way, and if the material is or may be very different, the audience / customers are uniquely connected to both websites.


debate about mobile apps versus mobile web apps, is not so much one that is better, but one which matches the needs of the company and customers. Technology wise and wise both methods have and surely will tend to slide next year. Mobile apps are much more complex to develop and maintain, but have a distinct advantage when it comes to marketing and promotion. As an option can be turned off with a special set of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) program that allows customers not only to be able to be viewed on mobile but also to find a general search on the major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo.


Choosing a Content Management System (CMS)


When selecting a content management system you first need to know what it is you want to do and what CMS is able to do. If you have never used a CMS website before then you really need to give it a go and find one you are comfortable with. You also need to take into account what type of server you are running as not all content management systems can be run on each server. If you are running Windows Server then select the window as Umbraco CMS and if you are using a Linux-based server you need CMS like Drupal.

Windows servers running ASP.NET supreme while Linux servers running PHP websites best. Also, some of the content management system will be able to cross from one server to another, but some of these features may not work as the server will not allow this. I mainly use Linux based servers and CMS so I will mainly be closer to them rather than CMS I’ve never used. All content management systems have a very similar way to call code of base HTML page. Where they differ is how they are built, you should find what you are comfortable with and how the support code runs if you’re looking to develop for CMS. The more you are able to play around with the support code, the more you will be able to make CMS do, either that or you will run on other nations modules and plugins that can do what you’re look for, but not 100%.


WordPress was started as a personal blog, content management system, which has really taken off and become more of a CMS tool as well as a powerful blogging tool. I would say that WordPress is one of the most popular CMS online now. It is used by millions and has a wide range of plug and is also easy to develop for, and cast a quick and easy website. It is a good CMS if you want to throw up a quick and easy website with blogs and some websites.


Drupal can be a very powerful CMS if you know how to use it. As WordPress it has a lot of people to develop for it and there are a variety of free modules that you can use to help quickly improve website. I would say it’s more in depth CMS and can handle things like ecommerce better than WordPress you can change it is shown on the page with more ease.


Similar Drupal here but not so many free modules / plugins, I personally do not find it as easy to use as a content management system 2 above, but it is very widely used by a lot of web design companies.


Magento is Ecommerce CMS. It is built to handle ecommerce and it does it very well. If you are looking for a large ecommerce website that you need to be able to work how each site will function and what type of installation each page can have them, the CMS for you. It’s great for ecommerce web design

Umbraco -. The ASP CMS

This has a similar kind of power Drupal and Joomla, it can be very versatile and used for a wide range of websites and web design. It will of course run best on Windows Server.

I hope this list of CMS give you an advantage in the quest to own one. What I would suggest is to find one that you really like and stick to it. It is better to be very good with one and know everything it can do rather than to light the knowledge of many. I would say that if you do not choose WordPress and the main CMS it is valuable to have a light dusting of knowledge in the CMS so you know how the basics work and how it is built where there is a fare chance that you will come across one of these websites at some point.
