MOBILE Content Management System (CMS)



A flexible CMS’s response today to anyone who asks what they should look for when creating mobile content. Due to the high speed development of mobile technology and changes in user location-based browsing, it is difficult to predict what the mobile future holds, and any mobile CMS will best fit your needs.

The Three prototypes Mobile afford to discuss

  1. One-page approach – One website for all guests, provided otherwise for mobile
  2. Two site approach – One website for a desktop and one specifically for mobile
  3. Mobile app – Internet application, to the mobile phone which performs certain tasks

Furthermore, some companies need mobile CMS to address only a small set of devices (eg smart phones), while others need to make the contents of any any mobile out there.

The Mobile apps way

One of the pre-requisites of mobile apps approach is a major development that has to be the basic distribution and maintenance updates. And outside the distribution infrastructure, organizations need to create customized versions of the mobile app for each mobile platform it will run (Android, Mac O / S, RIM, Windows Mobile, Symbian, etc.), which in turn also requires individual updates users to set up and cheer. For commercial apps not a major barrier to take, for information and apps for business with limited amount of resources to distribute, not the obvious choice.

Native used to have quite a few advantages, but with the advent of HTML5, CSS3 and all modern browsers, even the latest versions of Internet Explorer, which supports JavaScript code, the advantages are gradually decreasing and not so foreseeable future will be you can copy all unique mobile apps feature within the usual cloud-based mobile CMS systems.

What is, of course, is the marketing angle a mobile apps can have on Apple, Android and Windows Mobile apps stores. These apps stores have a wide spread visibility among viewers and potential customers and and mobile apps have through the app stores natural window to the mobile market. However, household names fully benefit from the apps store and marketing potential, it is less applicable to SMEs where the brand is not necessarily the key differentiator, but the products and services these companies offer. For those companies visibility on the Internet can only increase with keywords, reflects the nature of goods and services, and keywords that are ranking at the bear minimum in the top 20 of the major search engines.

The One-page approach

This is the most effective method for all companies and institutions where the content between the main web presence site and mobile site is like and can remain the same.

manage and update content, both the main and mobile is made of the same and single administration interface and all updates are immediately viewable on a regular PC and all mobile devices.

Both main and mobile phones are reachable via the same URL and the device used in the viewer will be directed to the main website or mobile website.

Mobile viewers will always have the option to revert to the main website on their mobile devices if they have a need to access units which are not yet optimized for mobile viewing.

With time, and with the development of HTML5 and browser technology, will be able to nearly match all the units available on the main site for mobile viewing, including complex modules like video player and e-commerce modules.

The essence of this approach is uniquely designed Templates for both the main site and mobile web sites. A mobile CMS system should be able to customize elements that you want to display a mobile site, and also rank them by a simple drag-and-drop.

The Two-page approach

For companies who want to have targeted content for their main web site audience and mobile audience that is significantly different from each other, the two-site approach is the way to go. Two different custom built and designed templates will be another key differentiator of two site approach.

The mobile site can query form, lead form and all kinds of interactive modules with viewers and customers, the main site could be arranged so as to transact with customers through e-mail marketing, newsletters and e-commerce modules.

While in fact two different websites, some of the units can be integrated and be connected as a single. The most important already being user registration, login and password and user database that can be shared among two locations. In a way, and if the material is or may be very different, the audience / customers are uniquely connected to both websites.


debate about mobile apps versus mobile web apps, is not so much one that is better, but one which matches the needs of the company and customers. Technology wise and wise both methods have and surely will tend to slide next year. Mobile apps are much more complex to develop and maintain, but have a distinct advantage when it comes to marketing and promotion. As an option can be turned off with a special set of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) program that allows customers not only to be able to be viewed on mobile but also to find a general search on the major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo.


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