CMS websites or Static websites?


Once you have decided that you or your business requires a website, the next decision you have to make is what kind? Do you need a simple static website or Content Management System (CMS)? In this article we will take a look at the lip and disadvantages of each form.

Static Websites


  • These a beat of web sites are far easier and quicker to install, good web design company should be able to create a well-designed static website within a few days.
  • When designing a static website their are no restrictions, such as the design does not fit on any frame.
  • It is cheaper, they are much cheaper to build and easier to maintain.


  • If you want to update the website, you must go back to the web design company and ask them to make updates. (This could end up costing more in the long term)
  • Creating XML site maps must be done manually.
  • This way of creating websites in the future must at least be used as content managed websites give you much more flexibility and control over your website.

Content Management Systems


  • All of the most popular topic today is the management system will allow you to update your website from any computer with an Internet connection.
  • You can update your websites from the phone.
  • You can create an unlimited number of pages on your website.
  • XML site maps are automatically updated.
  • All popular content management systems like Joomla, WordPress and Drupal are Open Source, this means that each and everyone contributes to the development, so there is much more support for the development of content managed website.


  • More Animals
  • Some Content Management Systems can be slight restrictions on how a website can be designed for content management framework system.


Since I started a web design and development for over 7 years ago, I had always been static websites, so I still have an affection for the way they are designed and created. But for the last 5 years I have been using the popular content management systems like Joomla, WordPress and Drupal, this system gives web designers and developers the ability to increase web site and make them much more interactive and collect valuable data, but normal static website would allow

If you are not sure what type of website you or your company may need to take these factors to consider :.

  • Will you want to add more content?
  • Do you want your website to rank well in search engines?
  • Want to save money in the long run?
  • Will you want to increase your websites work and ability over time?

If you have answered yes to all the above you need to buy content managed website. This can cost you or your company in a little more money in the short term, but during take this type of website you will definitely save money. As saving money you will be more involved with your business presence online and get much more knowledge and understanding of how to market your website.


Create websites using PHP, CMS and Joomla


For those who need to design and create their own web page, whether for personal use or for business purposes, there are some terms you should know. Some of the terms are “PHP”, “content management system” and “Joomla”. The following article is a brief description of these three concepts and tools and how you can use them to create, manage and enhance the dynamic websites.


PHP originally stood for “personal home page,” as it was what it was designed to create; However, today, PHP is used to create a variety of different types of websites. Essentially, PHP is a scripting language that people need to know in order to design and produce dynamic web pages. PHP is free software, and because it is compatible with most web servers and almost every operating system and platform, it is widely used for general purpose web forms and can even be embedded into HTML. In using PHP, a web server takes PHP code as input and create web page content as output.

Content Management System

A system that utilizes PHP code is a content management system or CMS. CMS software using PHP scripting language for creating and managing HTML content, as well as other documents and photos. And software not only help you to create web content, but also allow you to manage and edit these materials.

Essentially, a CMS makes creating and managing websites simple and understandable. In fact, most content management systems designed for users who have little or no knowledge of programming can create and manage their own web pages. This system contains content databases and offer a variety of web templates for users to choose from.


Joomla is a content management system that users around the world use to publish content on the web and internet. Like many other systems, material control, it is written in the PHP programming language and uses a database to store information. Some of the features that the system includes at page caching, RSS feeds, printable versions of pages, news flashes, blogs, polls, website searching, and language internationalization. Joomla extensions and templates are typically distributed as zip files or other compressed format that must be installed before implementation. With this group the main features and countless other free Joomla extensions available, creating dynamic web pages to improve the company (or increase personal pages) is easy to manage in-house.

As a content management system, Joomla offers a range of great benefits for those looking to create their own web pages. First, and perhaps most importantly, Joomla is free. And new versions and updates of Joomla is released, new features and improvements will also be available. Joomla is growing fast and offers endless possibilities for the future.

Another big advantage of Joomla is how easy it is to add or edit content. Joomla can add images and other multimedia elements, and you can also organize and manage your important data with relative ease.

And as Joomla has a growing popularity, it has won numerous awards for its features and services. Popularity Joomla offers another oft-ignored interests of users. Because so many users are familiar with Joomla, there is a plethora of forums, websites and directories center on how to use Joomla and to help those who have questions or experiencing problems with the software. And the software is also well supported by developers and service providers. Therefore, if you have a question about Joomla, chances are that with very little effort, you can find the answer.

One of the other advantages of Joomla is that it offers a range of free Joomla extensions. Some extensions are called “plug” that are background extensions that extend Joomla with new functionality. “Components” are also Joomla extensions that allow users to increase the number of features on their website, copy their websites, translate content and create URLs. “Modules” also increase the activity of websites’ by adding features such as a calendar view or Google AdSense.

In fact, these extensions may offer the biggest advantages of using Joomla. Some of these extensions are dynamic form builders, photo and multimedia galleries, e-commerce and shopping cart engines, forums and chat software, calendars, blogging software, email newsletters, data collection and reporting tools, banner advertising systems, subscription services, and more. And there are a number of other free Joomla extensions that can enhance any website.

Specifically, five Joomla extensions that are arguably the most popular. “Community Builder” allows users to extend the format, enhanced registration workflows, user lists, and much more. “JoomlaStats Forum” is a platform that is both stylish and powerful and will allow visitors to the website to participate in the discussion and comment. “Keep Flash Gallery” is the sequel to create slide shows of your own uploaded images. Joomla’s “Events Calendar” is a classic that informs viewers of important dates and events.

and even if Joomla is easy to use, allow this many extensions man to create the most complex corporate websites. In fact, Joomla is used for a variety of applications including corporate websites, Small Websites, non-profit and organizational websites, government programs, school and church websites, personal or family homepages, community-based portals, magazines and newspapers, and online catalog. Essentially, if you need to create a website for any purpose, Joomla has reliability and excellent features to help you create the website you need.

Once you understand the basic concepts of PHP and content manager system, you are ready to start creating your own website. And with reliable, free CMS like Joomla, you will soon be on your way to create and manage page directly fulfills all your needs.


Content Management System and its different models


A system that can be used to manage content on the web is called Content Management System (CMS). In other words, CMS is a tool to create, edit and remove data / information in the website. The ultimate advantage of CMS is that you can perform most tasks without any technical knowledge.

content managed can be of various types that include web content, media files, e-documents, online transactions, etc. and they are grouped according to the requirements.

Types of CMS

Different types of CMS are as follows

browser based CMS

The most convenient and cheapest CMS is a browser based CMS. It is easily accessible and can be adjusted from anywhere in the world. Most of the other CMS require software to be installed but this CMS does not require any software and can be simply logged in using a user name, password and the content can be changed.

Transactional based CMS

This type of CMS can be used by e-commerce organization where they need to manage large data transactions though online

Digital based CMS :.

Information is also stored in digital form, there has to digital equipment to organize and maintain the system’s functionality and usability. For this purpose, you can use a digital asset management system that will help to organize all the files. The digital media can contain audio, video, photographs, graphics and other media related files

Business Process CMS :.

This is a CMS-related business information, such as invoices, sale, application forms, etc. Moreover, the system offers companies to integrate and improve the corporate environment and also provides support to organize the work steps systematically improve better communication between users.

Enterprise CMS

This system offers users to access, scan, store and manage all information within the Company. The system supports all types of work, it can be web-based or e-commerce based or CRM. The company CMS is designed in a way that can integrate with client server and hosted solutions.

Finally, it is very important that you need to understand the various types of CMS that allows you to decide what best suits your business. If you are not sure about the CMS that works cost effectively and efficiently for your business, contact us and we are happy to offer you the best possible help.

Vijay Kumar Palaniappan

Marketing Manager

Samran Technologies


Confused about the difference between CM and CMS?


In today’s business environment, customer relationship management (CRM) systems are used by millions of businesses to automate routine sales and marketing for customer acquisition and customer retention functions such as customer service that make money in an organization, or prevent current customers seeking alternative suppliers. Most of the solutions on the market today to address the usual

  • Sales Automation
  • Lead and pipeline management
  • Custom Databases customer
  • Campaign Management
  • Document and Contract Maintenance
  • Online Product & service offerings
  • Customer Portal Self-service
  • Mobile Application Access
  • Social Media Support

Many companies have implemented CRM platform report significant cost savings and cost reductions by pressing CRM application for their organizations, but the biggest returns center to create efficient business with the company.

On the other hand, people tend to think of content management system (CMS) that is easy to use interface to make frequent changes to the company’s website. While it is true that they can all be used in that situation, the most effective companies are embracing CMS technology also choose the application that the company storehouse of all information assets and use to organize and share such information over wide base of employees and customers through well managed, and centralized communication channels. Information maintained by CMS application usually includes not only website text copy and related forms of the company, but also a detailed product and service brochures, product specifications, options, engineering diagrams, customer service policies, training, brand standards, buying procedures, Human Resource strategy, operating manuals and just about any other department to benefit from streamlined disclosure, review and amendment of information assets over time.

When combined with prudence and common sense, two types of programs can combine outstanding performance. For example, I may want medicine services to my customers to have access to the product at the regular time (say CRM) to ensure accuracy in the processing business, but I do not use a small screen to display all trade and related features, specifications, and detailed diagrams, etc. Available in CMS on a small screen with only a precious amount of real estate available to the agent.

by allowing CMR serve content that tracks past purchases, preferences, all correspondence between the customer and the company, as well as any contracts or documents that guide customers, and the resulting natural groups of customers based on their history with the company and the preferred method of communication, CMS can be used as internal storage to maintain version control and modification of standards, procedures and services over time as they occur.

The combined CRM and CMS and let each application to work on the power source and flow of information, you can maximize your profits much faster than if you had implemented each regardless of the other. The Board must call on the stock of the details (CRM or CMS) will serve as the master file to be maintained by (and by whom) and which will serve up content when called for further research and information.

If you currently hold one of each type of application as a standalone solution, you should seek independent consultants know both types of systems to define what is possible and at what cost. You may be surprised profitability that is capable of a total solution in the short term.


CMS Builder – Build Your Own CMS


A content management system, simply called CMS, one of the best options if you want to design and plan their own sites. A CMS allows the user to add, edit, and remove contents of the website using the interface. It also allows the owner to control user activity on the website. There are cases where the CMS may be unable to meet all the needs of your website. If this is the case, then you can hire a professional to change the code in the CMS or you can also buy another content management system. Another option is to use CMS based and create your own content management system phone.

CMS builder is a type of software that allows you to customize your site. There are pre-designed templates that are compatible with content management systems such as WordPress and Joomla. A CMS builder is especially useful for those with no background knowledge of programming and HTML. One advantage of using CMS is based is that you can resell CMS creation. You can make a business out of it and offer customized CMS to each customer’s needs. You can create your own brand and even make your own logo to go with each of CMS you create.

When you create your own CMS, you need to first visualize how you want pages to look like. It is also important to note that control access to the system. You want to make sure it fits your needs or the needs of the company.

database is also an important factor in CMS building. You need to create tables for the users of the system and you need to decide whether you will be in videos, images and other rich media today or save them to disk instead. Other things to consider in CMS building include templates, page scripts, and user interface.

Building your own CMS can definitely help you customize it to your needs. There is also a potential source of income if you can tap into the business of selling creativity.


Content Management System


Content Management System, commonly known as CMS, is a program used to control and manage the content within your website. It allows you to do all this without any technical knowledge, such as the back-hand coding, HTML knowledge, etc. With CMS, you simply sign the application, and upload or modify website content already uploaded. Thus, this program also helps you keep your website fresh and up-to-date for the audience.

It has other advantages as well. Some of them are as follows:

  • Self-control – When you have a CMS, you have complete control of your website and the content it displays. You can change, update or change it whenever you want.
  • No Page Limit – With a CMS, you have no limit on the page number. You can increase it or decrease it as the need of the hour.
  • Better Communication with your customers – Having a CMS will also help you communicate with your customers as well as prospects for customers in a better way, especially if customers are communicating through email and post comments on your website
  • .

  • Display Control – When you have full control over your website and its content, you may what to show and when. You can edit and upload the latest information as and when they happen.
  • Keep your Website updated and fresh – With this program you can edit or modify content that was uploaded and also download fresh and relevant content on your website. This keeps the website updated and fresh for the audience.
  • Security – When you have control of your own hands, your website is secure like never before
  • .

  • Planning and Design – You can change the look and design of your website through this program. Thus, the overall look of your website is also up to you.
  • Cheap – When you get a CMS developed once, you do not have to put more money into it. Project load or change the uploaded content will be much easier as well with the help of CMS.

How to choose a CMS

You should always opt for CMS that has the following characteristics 😕

  • Easy to use
  • Quick to install
  • Secure
  • Flexible
  • efficient
  • Allows additional extra functionality

Mistakes to avoid while choosing a CMS

We avoid often some important points while choosing CMS and end-up choosing the wrong program which instead support us creates a huge problem for us. So we should consider following the decision of CMS

  • not choose a CMS that needs a lot of technical sense as knowledge of the back-coding, HTML, etc.
  • Animals and nested design should also be avoided as it is difficult to handle such applications.
  • to get a CMS developed by the unknown and small business in the future will not be available to solve technical problems in your CMS.
  • goes to research other is also very harmful, so, do your own research before getting a Content Management System.

So you should be very careful while choosing CMS. You should rather get it developed by a web CMS development company that has a lot of CMS experts and a long list of clients, globally. A company that can provide you with facilities like low development time, low development cost, high reliability, low maintenance cost once the software has been developed, etc.


CMS 1500 Form – Instructions


CMS stands for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. It is a professional paper claim form is known as the CMS 1500 form, which is used by companies and suppliers have to show invoices for equipment and carriers. Who he form and maintains it – it is the role Nucci which stands for National Uniform Claim Committee. They argue that changes in the form in accordance with the requirements and needs of everyone in the whole. These changes may occur annually or even after a few months, depending on changes in requirements.

These forms can be reached in US bookstores government or the National Uniform Claim Committee. They are also available online from the official website of the committee and even from some reliable government bookstore websites. This form is used by physicians, doctors, people offer equipment supplies to hospitals and clinics, and other suppliers bill Medicare, Medicaid, Group Health Plan, CHAMPUS and other such organizations for health and medicine.

presentation form includes the introduction, photo, filling instructions, sample wording for sources, place of service code definitions, LCD, NCD, lead medical frauds and abuses, telephone and address directory, mailing list and Internet sources. Criteria for the delivery of filling out the form can vary from one place to another. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a representative before posting requirements. It takes a week or above to confirm or reject the application. When rejected or approved, you are informed via email or call.
